FORT FRANCES — Ontario Provincial Police have charged a 29 year-old man with impaired driving after a traffic stop in Fort Frances on Saturday.
According to a media release issued Monday morning, police stopped a vehicle Saturday evening in the Minnie Avenue area. The driver was showing “obvious signs of impairment,” police said.
The accused was arrested and taken to the local detachment, police said.
He was charged with impaired operation of a vehicle and refusing to comply with a police officer’s demand. Additionally, the accused faces a number of provincial offences charges, including those around licensing violations and having open liquor in the vehicle.
The driver’s licence was also suspended for 90 days and the vehicle impounded for a week.
He was released and is next scheduled to be in court in Fort Frances on April 28.
It is Newswatch policy not to name people facing criminal accusations when we are unlikely to follow the case to its conclusion in the courts.