NEEBING — Neebing Fire Rescue has kicked off the third year of its 50/50 draw.
The 2025 version of the fundraiser will focus on supporting the needs of Neebing Emergency Services.
Neebing Fire Rescue Association treasurer, Clara Butikofer said, that this year the association has the goal in mind to help with outfitting the upcoming new addition that's going to be built onto the municipal office.
“This project that's coming up with the fire department and the new building that's being added, it will be a big one and we'll try to raise at least $60,000 for that,” said Butikofer.
She added the charity also has some other things in mind that it may purchase for the fire department.
Over the last 22 years, the association has raised enough money to purchase $280,000 worth of equipment for the fire department.
“It can be done with the help of others,” said Butikofer. “So, we look for the support of others. You can also support us through personal donations.”
The 2025 draw will have four raffles during the year: one held now until March 25, the second in the next quarter at the end of June, a third in September and finally one at the end of December.
Butikofer said it's really up to the individual to get involved.
“The total (of the raffles) is shown on our website,” said Butikofer. “You can win half of that total. It's great for you and it's great for the organization.”
She added that the association also runs other fundraisers during the year and information about what's coming next can be found on its website, including a firewood raffle, a Christmas fundraiser for baking and a silent penny auction.
There are also opportunities for the charity to collect metal, pop cans and beer cans from people to raise money, explained Butikofer.
Last year, she said the association was able to cash in $10,000 worth of metal and cans alone.
“Really, there's lots that goes on,” said Butikofer.
Residents can find more information listed on the current draw on its website.