RED LAKE — The Green Party of Ontario has nominated an upcoming provincial election candidate for Kiiwetinoong.
Carolyn Spicer has been a member of the Ontario Green Party since 2018.
Spicer has also worked as a Fish and Wildlife technologist for the Ministry of Natural Resources.
She is described as passionate about protecting the natural beauty and wildlife of Northern Ontario, according to the party's media release.
“I’ve always cared about the environment and I’ve seen first-hand how much hard work is needed to protect the people and places we love,” said Spicer.
“I’m standing with the Ontario Greens because climate justice can’t wait and we need a government that will put our communities and our calls for a sustainable future as a priority.”
Mike Schreiner, the Ontario Green Party's leader, explained that Spicer will be a strong voice for those in her community and a key ally for people living in rural and remote Northwestern Ontario communities.
“Carolyn’s knowledge and experience in the environmental sector will make her an effective advocate for fairer and more sustainable policies in Kiiwetinoong,” said Schreiner.
Spicer was noted as proud of her Haudenosaune ancestry and passionate to continue to learn her cultural traditions to share its teachings alongside her love of nature with her children.