PICKLE LAKE — OPP is conducting a traffic safety initiative across northern Ontario that will continue until seasonal ice roads close.
These roads have begun to open throughout the region to connect 31 remote First Nations communities to major highway networks.
With these transportation networks operational, OPP warns there will be a notable increase in commercial motor and passenger vehicle traffic.
Pickle Lake OPP, North Caribou Lake First Nation and Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation will work with local partners to focus policing efforts on local roadway traffic enforcement to ensure public safety.
With distracted driving, excessive speed, misuse of seatbelts and impaired driving identified as the leading causes of death or injury on OPP-patrolled roadways, officers stated they would be on the lookout for these traffic safety concerns.
Police said they would also check for proper vehicle equipment and maintenance, which is essential for the safety of drivers travelling into more remote locations.
OPP added that they thank the many safe and professional commercial motor vehicle drivers who keep their vehicles mechanically fit and drive according to road and weather conditions, which helps ensure road safety for everyone.
The public is encouraged to contact the OPP at 1-800-310-1122 if they observe a driver operating motor vehicles dangerously.
Residents seeking more information about safe and responsible driving can also visit the OPP or the Ministry of Transportation's websites.